Large plover-like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands.
Examples for "upland sandpiper "
Examples for "upland sandpiper "
1 They are eaten by the Wilson phalarope, avocet, black-necked stilt, pectoral sandpiper, killdeer, and upland plover .
2 Wood duck, upland plover , least tern, Wilson tern, roseate tern, black skimmer, oystercatcher, and numerous other littoral species.
3 Wood-duck, knot, greater yellow-legs, upland plover , golden plover, piping plover, great horned owl.-(Harry S. Hathaway, South Auburn.)
4 Two species of shorebirds, the killdeer and upland plover , still further befriend cattle by devouring the North American fever tick.
5 Wood-duck and upland plover .
1 The Bartramian Sandpiper even now is a great factor each summer in checking the increasing locusts on our prairies.
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